Some days I wish I could go back to 30 year old Kim and tell her how amazing life with her adult kids was going to be. - - I would tell her to relax and not worry so much about wet towels and dirty dishes. It’s okay if things feel awkward sometimes. It gets better. - - I would say, “Don’t try to be perfect and get perfect behavior. Just focus on connecting and building trust. Introduce them to the God that you are falling in love with in your thirties. Know that He has given you and Bob all the tools you need to parent these kids well.” - - I would reassure her that because her kids are so amazing, they will choose incredible people to live their life with. I would tell her that in twenty years, her family will STILL be so much fun! - - There are no family experts. No perfect families. Just the family God gives you to love and the grace to do it. Don’t give up. Trust the One who gave them to you. He will lead the way. One. Day. At. A.Time. - - #familypictures #vacation #fightforfamily#relax #bestweekendever #50isfabulous#familyfunpack #grownkids#connectionfirst #healthyfamilygoals#theyareallsodifferent #parentsneedjesus#noperfectfamily #embracetheawkward#laughtogetheraboutstupidstuff#iletthemsaystupidnow