Seasons of pain lead to seasons of breakthrough, if we let them. It is in the desperation that we press into God in a way that we don’t when things are easy. It is in these seasons I have had the most meaningful conversations with Him and I have learned the most.
However, the expectations we place on ourselves can be the thing that gets in the way of our healing. I know. I’ve been there.
We often believe the lie that we are failing, if we allow ourselves to feel pain. This is especially true in Christian culture. We believe that we should always be happy and it feels like a lack of faith if we acknowledge pain. It doesn’t matter if it’s physical or emotional, pain is communicating something to us. When we feel shame about pain, we shut it down and don’t let it communicate to us what we need.
I believe that in order to invite healing in, we have to acknowledge our pain in the first place. Then we can ask for what we need. You need to know that God is not frustrated or impatient with your pain process. He just wants to walk out the journey with you. (3 John 1:2) #processingpain #healing#prosperoussoul #lifeconsultant#lifejourney #heartjourney #heartcoach#healthyemotions #breakthrough#followthepain #process #journeytohealing